This study investigated the varying impact of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction based on different service types. These service types were categorized as utilitarian and hedonic services. The study utilized the KS-SQI 3.0 model, which measures service quality across four dimensions: service outcome, interaction, environmental quality, and social quality. The findings of the analysis indicated that, in utilitarian services, service quality dimensions other than interaction quality significantly influence customer satisfaction. On the other hand, all four service quality dimensions were found to positively impact customer satisfaction in the context of hedonic services Furthermore, the study revealed that the relative influence of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction differs depending on the service type. The effect of outcome quality on customer satisfaction was found to be more pronounced in utilitarian services compared to hedonic services. Additionally, the effect of environmental quality on customer satisfaction was found to be greater in hedonic services. However, the impact of interaction quality and social quality did not exhibit a distinction between the two service types. These results suggest that, for enhancing customer satisfaction of utilitarian services, emphasizing service outcome quality proves to be most effective among the various dimensions of service quality. Conversely, for hedonic services, allocating more resources toward enhancing environmental quality is shown to be more effective.